Frequently Asked Questions
Please read Frequently Asked Questions for complete information. Moreover, Social science journals provide free language and editorial service to author for publishing papers. On the other hand, articles are published in best open access social science journals list.
How can i submit research paper in Social Science Journal?
All authors are requested to submit their research work in word format at [email protected]
What is Social Science Journals?
Social Science Journals is forum for publishing list of research and reviews journal of social sciences. Further, we will also provide preprint reading and recommendation before publishing. Most Importantly, best articles related to humanities and social sciences are published high impact factor journals social sciences.
How much time is required for publishing my social research papers?
It will take 2 days for publishing research paper after acceptance. Moreover, decision will take between 2 to 10 days.
Social Sciences open access journal
What other service is offered by Social Science Journals?
Social Science Journals core service is publishing peer reviewed social science journals. In addition, free language editing, proofreading and editorial services to submitted manuscript for improving the quality of your manuscript.
How many words are allowed for publishing social science review and research papers?
Word count limit for research paper is 7500 and word count limit for review paper is 10000
Which type of manuscript or papers Social Science Journal publishes?
Social Science Journal publishes original research paper, and systematic review. In addition, letter to the editor, short communication, Case study, and data note also published in social science journals list.
Please inform social science index journals review process?
All social science index journals follow double blind peer review process. Once article is accepted by the prestigious editorial board, it will take two days for publishing open access. Further, Review process will take 3 days to 15 days for first decision.
What is the fee for publishing in list of social sciences open access journal?
All the list of journal of social science is free to publish articles, but small amount of open access fee is required for open access publishing.
Please see social science journals list